How do we tell a story for MediaMarkt and Saturn that not only touches people emotionally but also highlights the relevance of the brand's technical services during the holiday season?
What do we all associate with Christmas and technology? Right: Almost all of us – whether younger or just young at heart – go home to our parents, only to be ambushed by a million of tech questions. No more cookies and no eggnog for us – just manuals, logins, and updates.
The anthem of holiday anticipation "Driving Home for Christmas" is transformed into the lament "Driving Home to Fix This" – the song a young woman returns home to for Christmas, only to be asked to take care of all the family’s technology.
This wouldn't have happened with the services of MediaMarkt and Saturn.
With an exceptionally high organic reach, the ad was one of the most successful Christmas ads of 2023 on YouTube Germany.